
Vacation Day 5 - More Cheesesteaks with Some Rocky on the Side

Yes, I am fully aware that I skipped Vacation Day 4. Day 4 mainly consisted of us driving back to Philly from upstate New York, stuffing pork pies and sausage rolls in our faces and then passing out. Nothing to really write home about.

We set out Monday afternoon to resolve the Ultimate Cheesesteak Debate. It was time to try Pat's and see which of the cheesesteak giants was actually the best.

Annnnnnnnnd the winner iiiiiiiiiiiiiis (drum roll)..........

Geno's by a very, very narrow margin.

I have to say that I definitely prefer the simple, authentic and unadorned facade of Pat's to the gaudiness and arrogance of Geno's. Ben and I also agreed that Pat's was more generous with the amount of meat in the cheesesteaks. But, what ultimately won us over, was the bread. Geno's bread was far superior to Pat's which was just a bit too chewy. We also thought that Geno's more evenly distributed the Cheez Whiz throughout the sandwich. They poured it on top at Pat's which didn't allow it to get down to the bottom and soak into the bread.

So there you have it. We have, very reluctantly, fallen into the Geno's camp.

We also tried to visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art since we heard there was a pretty awesome Cezanne exhibit. Alas, the museum is closed on Mondays so we just hung around and took pictures. Yes, these are the famous steps that Rocky runs up in the movie (insert theme song here). They even have a Rocky statue. A Rocky statue that is so popular, we actually had to wait in line to take a picture with it (hangs head in shame).

The museum

Close up of the super cool George Washington statue

Ben was being a little grumpy and refused, under any circumstances, to run up the steps like Rocky. Much to my dismay. I snapped this on the sly.

Ben also refused to pose with the Rocky statue. I had no such reservations.

And there you have it! A triumphant end to a pretty great trip. Aside from the weather being crappy in Philly. Seriously, is it ever sunny there?

Of course, we were enthusiastically greeted by Stella and the cats who clearly missed us. Although, we got a great report from our pet sitter and I'm really glad that we found such great gals to look after "the kids" while we're gone. Stella seems sooo much happier with this situation and the sitters really seem to care about Stella and the cats. Especially Jack...he's a charmer!

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