
Moving On

So a co-worker put the bug in my ear that I should start a blog. She said simply, "I would read it." Really? Well, we'll see. But I figured that since all of my family and Ben's family are out of state it would be a great way for them to keep up with what we're doing...and I'm still not all that impressed with Facebook.

So, as the title of this blog implies, I have a pretty frakking great life right now. I live in one of the coolest cities in America. I'm recently engaged to a man I absolutely ADORE. I have a job I enjoy. A job period is cause for celebration, really. Good friends. Good family. All that good stuff. And I'm starting a new stage in my life as Ben and I move towards marriage, home ownership and, hopefully one day, parenthood.

So. You can expect this blog to cover all sorts of territory. Everything from wedding planning drama to what I like to cook and what I like to watch on TV to exciting travel anecdotes! This is my first blog so I hope you'll grant me some leeway here as I get my sea legs.

Here we go...

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