

I am obsessed with this season of Lost. Ben gave up on it citing too many questions and not enough answers...but I think this season has been one of the most satisfying since Day 1.

I think the main revelation of last night's ep was really about the not-only-geographical distance between Jin and Sun. As the show starts we see the Ajira flight which takes the castaways back to the island. We see Kate, Jack and Hurley disappear (transported back to 1977) but Sun was not among them. Why? She was on the original Oceanic flight. Why wasn't she transported with the rest of them? We also know that Locke didn't disappear and ended up with the Ajira folks on the beach. Initially, I thought it was because Locke was, you know, dead. But maybe he and Sun have something else in common that kept them with the Ajira folks.

Back with the castaways in 1977, an awkward reunion ensues between Sawyer, Jack and Kate. Only Hurley seems genuinely happy to see Sawyer again. All are sufficiently shocked to discover they have traveled back in time. Unlike Sawyer and Jin, Oceanic 6 haven't been skipping through time. Sawyer comes up with a plan to integrate them into the Dharma community that won't cause suspicion by having them pose as incoming Dharma recruits. Back at the barracks, Juliet finds new mom Amy, gets sub manifests, and coos over......Baby Ethan!!! That's gotta be surreal.

Backtracking just a bit....did anyone else's heart totally break at the look that came over Juliet's face when she found out Kate was back on the island? Although, judging from the preview for next week...she's gonna fight for her man.

After learning that Sun was on the plane, Jin rushes off to try and figure out where the plane went down. I kinda knew something was up when there was no record at the Flame station of the Ajira plane anywhere near the island...but I didn't really know what it could mean. What Jin did end up finding was Sayid. I definitely feel that the fact Sayid has now become a "hostile" will prove problematic for him. Will Sayid be the major character that's rumored to bite the dust this season?

We also learned that Daniel Farraday is NOT among those living it up in Dharmaville circa 1977. Sawyer ominously implies that something bad happened to him...but what? Suicide? Insanity? Did he turn the frozen wheel and disappear? I can't wait to find out!

Back on Ajira beach, Sun follows Ben into the jungle and Ben proceeds to convince Sun to help him get back to "their" island. Lapidus intervenes and tries to warn Sun against trusting Ben citing the large group of burly men with guns sent out to capture him. Not to mention all that other bad stuff that Ben did to Sun and her friends. Nevertheless, Sun tells Lapidus she has to trust him in order to find Jin. Or...not. Turns out Sun just used Ben to find the boats and then dipatches him with an oar to the head. Most revealing quote of the night:

Lapidus: I thought you said you trusted him.
Sun: I lied.

She really good at it. I wonder what else Sun has lied about? Hmmmm...

Now this is where it gets REALLY interesting. Sun and Lapidus find their way back to the main island (smokey, is that you?) and stumble upon a run down and apparently abandoned Dharmaville. Who is that ghost in the window? Jacob? No (or yes)...its Christian Shepherd who promises to show Sun where Jin is. In the trashed up intake room, Christian peruses some group photos on the wall ("1976, 1978...")...wait, wha? That's right. Sun and Lapidus are in a different time than Jin and the rest of the castaways. How in the world is this going to work out? Long journey indeed.

Back at Dharmaville, Jack goes to Sawyer's house for a powwow but doesn't seem to realize that Juliet is living there too. With Sawyer. Being very domestic. No wonder his aptitude test put him at "janitor" level. Sawyer is clearly loving his Dharma life. He has responsibilities, a leadership position, and is now responsible for saving Jack's neck. This could get ugly. Not to mention that Kate is now living next door to the happy couple. Awk. ward.

The final scene of the evening finds Sayid in a holding cell. The kid bringing him a sandwich kinda looks familiar. Hmm. Gawky. Glasses. Intense stare and fascination with hostiles. Could it be? Yep...its a pre-pubescent Benjamin Linus. I feel certain that Young Ben is just as manipulative as Adult Ben so I'm curious to see what role he will play in the coming events, especially where Sayid is concerned. We also know that Adult Ben took part in the Purge that killed all the Dharma folks so our castaways are safe for now.

Some lingering questions...

Does the action packed exploding van/gun fighting incident alluded to in the preview cause the devastation found by Sun and Lapidus? If so, does this mean the Purge doesn't even happen anymore? Will Kate and Juliet have an all out cat-fight over Sawyer? And when will Sawyer be shirtless again? Only time will tell. Or next week's episode.

To get more of your Lost fix for the day, check out Doc Jenson's Lost Recap over at Entertainment Weekly.

So, what did you think? Did you enjoy the recap...or was it totally boring? Should I do it again next week? Thanks for your feedback and for your warm welcome to the blogging community!

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